3/26/14 In 2000, François Pichault published Les pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines (The practices of human resources management) with Jean Nizet, which became a bestseller in its sector. It has just been republished and, above all, updated and amended. 2/14/13 A guide is now available for SMEs, very small businesses and sole traders, which addresses the internationalisation of their activities from both financial and practical perspectives. 10/19/12 For twenty years now the ULg’s Centre for Social Economy has been studying the non-profit sector, whose value has been underestimated for a long time. One of its most recent research studies has looked into the funding of non-profit organisations. 6/19/12 In a liberalised environment, competition and public service obligations can conflict. This requires thinking about new ways to finance national “universal” postal service. 5/2/12 How to meet business companies’ requirements for flexibility? And how to do so in ensuring job security for the workers? One formula meets these two demands, that of the Employers Alliance.
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