Le site de vulgarisation scientifique de l’Université de Liège. ULg, Université de Liège
Nuclear waste: is there sufficient communication?

The authorities charged with nuclear waste management claim to have a policy of keeping the public informed when making important decisions. A report by the SPIRAL laboratory of the University of Liege (produced in collaboration with the University of Antwerp) focusses on the challenges associated with this dialogue.

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Ethnicity, the unbeloved of the social sciences

In Penser l’ethnicité, Marco Martiniello reviews the history of this concept, long ignored in the social sciences.

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Justice: the race against time

Is speed synonymous with efficiency? In terms of the judicial system, nothing could be less certain. Two Liège researchers examine the ever increasing acceleration at work in judicial institutions.

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When controversy invites itself into the classroom

The school system is not a fortress shielded from political and social controversies: such is the message of the book Polémiques à l’école (Controversies in the Classroom), which, from Belgium to the United States, passing through Canada and France, analyses the polemics which have hit teaching.

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How does the law protect consumers who are minors?

Under eighteen minors are acting more and more as consumers, especially following the development of the internet. A doctoral thesis takes stock of their legal status, the manner in which the law protects them.

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