Le site de vulgarisation scientifique de l’Université de Liège. ULg, Université de Liège
The secrets of Lake Kivu

In the heart of Africa, a unique lake has aroused the curiosity of scientists... and industrialists.

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Posidonia under observation

Variations in oxygen concentrations in a posidonia meadow were continuously measured, for the first time, over a period of three years. The goal? To study how climate changes could affect their ability to trap CO2.

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A sea elephant rarely deceives

« Perched » on top of its marine environment food chain, the northern elephant seal is a veritable sentinel species of pollution in the sea environment.

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Organic pollutants: the sea is under attack

Sea bass, which often ends up on our plates, is a victim of pollution by endocrine disrupters. These organic pollutants have a tendency to accumulate in living organisms where they disrupt the functioning of some very important glands.

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Piercing the clouds
Knowing the conditions which reign over the surfaces of the oceans is important for an understanding of the climate. But how to observe them if layers of cloud prevent any observation?
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