6/10/14 This collective work on Belgian colonisation in Central Africa takes into account the diversification in current approaches to colonial history. 12/18/13 What contribution can be made by popular initiatives of international solidarity that are created and managed by “ordinary” citizens and which are labeled as “amateur” due to the fact that they are not recognized by institutions? 7/18/13 The paternalistic tradition inherited from the colonial era has remained very strong in the collective memory of Katanga. Yet, paradoxically, industrial paternalism became a weapon of defense for social rights in the 20th century. 8/2/12 By studying noise from an ethnographical angle, Paul-Louis Colon demonstrates that it is necessary to take several factors into account in order to more precisely define it and the annoyance it causes. 5/24/12 AnthropoChildren, the new electronic journal placed on open access by the University of Liège, is dedicated to the anthropology of children and childhood.
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