Le site de vulgarisation scientifique de l’Université de Liège. ULg, Université de Liège
When work burns us out

How can burnout be detected sooner? A new tool now is now available to help health professionals better diagnose this occupational illness.

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Protecting teacher’s voices 

During the workday, a teacher's vocal folds vibrate more than one million times! A doctoral thesis has just quantified this vocal load under real-world conditions. 

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Parentification: when the roles are reversed...

A parent may tacitly emit distress signals so that their child will help and comfort them. But this role reversal has an impact on the child's development.

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Young adolescents, depression and…the Titanic syndrome

What is it that pushes teenagers into depression? In her thesis, Aurore Boulard reveals how verbal attacks, perceived pubertal timing and the feeling of being judged, amongst others, combine to plunge teenagers into a depressive spiral.

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Harassment at work: don’t forget the circle of colleagues!

For an understanding of what is at stake in psychological harassment at work, studying the tormentor-victim pairing is fine, but it is not enough! The whole of the professional environment needs to be taken into account.

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