Le site de vulgarisation scientifique de l’Université de Liège. ULg, Université de Liège
Risque de disparition d’arbres en Afrique centrale

Le risque de disparition de certaines espèces d’arbres en Afrique centrale : une préoccupation majeure, selon une équipe de chercheurs de Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech.

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Impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance

Kept awake for 42 hours, participants in an experiment showed a variation in their cognitive performance closely linked to their biological clock and the accrued sleep debt. Two mechanisms that are well known, but difficult to quantify. 

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Strud: the end of a journey

Palaeontological excavations have ended in the fossil-rich Strud locality, in which the oldest complete insect fossil was found. It is now time to look back at what was achieved and publish results.

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Bees, the pet hate of elephants

Researchers from Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech show that it is possible to use bees to protect crops from the forest elephants of Central Africa. 

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The Asian ladybird beetle is mobilized in the fight against aphids

So Asian ladybird beetles have invaded our countries. No problem: they can be our allies in the fight against aphids.

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